Products/Services -> Advertising
Banner Advertising - 12 Months Advertise your business or service on HireGround Careers. Choose from advertising to Job Seekers, other business or both. Width: 180 pixels and Height: 80 pixels in jpeg or gif format. Animated gif is accepted as well. Max Size: 75 Kb |
1 x 12 Month(s) |
$2,500 |
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Banner Advertising - 6 Months Advertise your business or service on HireGround Careers. Choose from advertising to Job Seekers, other business or both. Width: 180 pixels and Height: 80 pixels in jpeg or gif format. Animated gif is accepted as well. Max Size: 75 Kb |
1 x 6 Months(s) |
$1,250 |
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Banner Advertising - 3 Months Advertise your business or service on HireGround Careers. Choose from advertising to Job Seekers, other business or both. Width: 180 pixels and Height: 80 pixels in jpeg or gif format. Animated gif is accepted as well. Max Size: 75 Kb |
1 x 3 Months(s) |
$700 |
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Banner Advertising - 1 Month Advertise your business or service on HireGround Careers. Choose from advertising to Job Seekers, other business or both. Width: 180 pixels and Height: 80 pixels in jpeg or gif format. Animated gif is accepted as well. Max Size: 75 Kb |
1 month(s) |
$400 |
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Design a Banner Ad We can design a company-branded banner for you to use to advertise on HireGround Careers. |
1 banner(s) |
$150 |
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E-mail Circular Let us send out an e-mail circular to job seekers to promote your company, job postings, and company events. E-mail must be supplied - Width: 600px, Length: unlimited, Format: HTML (any version). |
1 e-mail(s) |
$800 |
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Recruitment Video Add a recruitment video to the jobs you have posted. Supply us with a video presentation: Max Length: 3:00 minutes, Max Size: 1MB. |
1 30 days(s) |
$350 |
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Quarterly E-mails Let us send out an e-mail every 3 months to targeted portions of registered job seekers on HireGround Job Board. Choose by city, province, country, or the entire list of HireGround Job Board job seekers! Call HireGround sales at 403 244 1895 or e-mail , or simply register on HireGround Job Board at www.hgcareers.com. |
4 e-mail(s) |
$2,500 |
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Need Help? |
403-244-1895 |
1-877-218-7504 |
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